Welcome to BeachPatrol and Love Our Street

Our Purpose

BeachPatrol and Love Our Street community volunteer groups operate across 40+ postcodes in Victoria. Groups meet monthly to pick up plastic litter from local beaches, streets or parks and meet like-minded people who are passionate about preserving our environment, wildlife, marine life and ecosystems.

The groups log their data in the LitterStopper app, which feeds into our litter collection database and the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action's LitterWatch database.

With this data, we advocate for changes that will reduce litter, raise awareness of littered beaches and streets and support local and state governments in tackling the issues. 


Reasons to Join BeachPatrol and Love Our street


Pieces of Plastic Picked up and Categorised


Total Beach and Street Cleans


Beach and Street cleans

Since Jan 2014

LitterStopper app

Our free app enables anyone to log the 32 most common types of litter. Preset with BeachPatrol and Love Our Street groups, LitterStopper makes it easy for our groups and individuals to enter their collection data. The data is used for analysis by the Victorian government and can be viewed at Litterstopper.com.

Watch an Instructional video on how to use LitterStopper.

Container Deposit Scheme

The Container Deposit Scheme launched in Victoria on 1st November 2023. Beach Patrol Australia was a strong advocate over the past decade and we are pleased to see the scheme come to fruition. It is an important step towards a circular economy, and a great way for non-profits to raise funds.

Learn how you can support Beach Patrol & Love Our Street by donating your CDS refunds.

Love Our Street too

Recognising that the litter on our beaches and in the sea largely derives from sources on land, Love Our Street volunteers actively make a difference to the litter in our local public spaces. We aim to normalise litter-free places and to show by our actions that we want clean neighbourhoods

Go To My Beach

Go To My street

See what a difference BeachPatrol and Love Our Street groups have made this year so far

  • 22,757

    Kgs Of Rubbish Collected

  • 11,938

    Volunteer Hours

  • 29,957

    Bottles & Cans

Overall Totals

In this Year BeachPatrol Groups have collected

Most Common Items Collected

Chart Butt CigaretteSoft Pieces < 5cmHard Bits < 5cmFood WrapperBottle TopSoft Pieces > 5cmMicro Plastic < 5mmCan Metal DrinkHard Bits > 5cmBags Plastic

In this Year Love Our Street Groups have collected

Most Common Items Collected

Chart Butt CigaretteBottle TopCan Metal DrinkCoffee CupBottle Plastic DrinkSoft Pieces < 5cmCup OtherSoft Pieces > 5cmPoly/FoamU Name It

Most Recent beachpatrol Activity

most recent love our street activity