Welcome to BeachPatrol and Love Our Street

BeachPatrol Love Our Street media

See where BeachPatrol & Love Our street groups have been featured in the print, online and TV media.

In the media

Getting the message across

As the impact of BeachPatrol and Love Our Street grows, we are getting more and more media attention. This helps us broaden the reach of our message and change behaviours. It's vital that more people understand the problem with plastic littering and its impact on wildlife in the oceans and on land. The public awareness we generate drives government and industries to pay attention to our cause.

Recent Media Releases

Release Date Media Name Media Type Subject Story Image
07 Oct 2024 evoice On line News

In a remarkable show of community spirit and environmental dedication, 29 volunteers from Beach Patrol 3280-3284 collected an incredible 738 kg of rubbish from Discovery Bay in just under 2.5 hours. This achievement marks the largest amount of debris ever removed in a single clean-up event by the group.


03 Oct 2024 Packaging News Industry magazine

BeachPatrol had comments in the Boomerrang Allince press release on the need for thethered tops for plasric drink bottles.  #tetheredbottlecaps



26 Sep 2024 Warrnambool Weekly News Paper

BeachPatrol 3208 is heading to Portland on Oct 6th to stage a beach clean to pick up plastic rubbish off Discovery Bay.  This is an annual event they perform and have about 55 volunteers involved.   Last year they removed over 500 kg of plastic.  #plasticpollution

26 Sep 2024 Press Release Press Release

IN a joint press release with the Boomerang Alliance, BeachPatrol is advocating for a rapid introduction of tethered caps on plastic drink bottles.  Plastic tops are a highly litered item and dangreous to wildlife.  Tethereingf them to bottles would eliminate this problem easily.

22 Sep 2024 Warrnambool News Paper News Paper

BeachPatrol 3280 organised a big clean up of the Fitxroy River mouth.   About 60 volunteers cleaned up 350 kg of plastic rubbish to stop it washing back out in to the ocean.

Volunteers remove 350kg of rubbish from Fitzroy River Mouth.pdf
17 Sep 2024 3 AW Radio Radio

They ran a story on the plastic in Port Phillip Bay and called on BeachPatrol to comment on it.

16 Sep 2024 Boomerang Alliance Press Release email campaign

The Boomerang Alliance issued a press release on the amount of plastic washing up on the Mornington beaches of Port Phillip Bay.   BeachPatrol supplied them with a comment of the situation.

‘There is too much plastic waste ending up in the Bay.  Our volunteers are picking up so much. It’s mostly single use items that are not necessary.  We (consumers, government and industry) need to be a lot more responsible,’ said Dr Ross Headifen, Co-Founder of Beach Patrol Australia.

16 Sep 2024 Warrnambool Standard On line News

More than 350 kilograms of rubbish was removed from the Fitzroy River Mouthnear Tyrendarra on the weekend.
About 60 volunteers answered a call from BeachPatrol 3280 to remove a large amountof debris which washed up after the wild storm
that lashed the region onSeptember 1.


13 Sep 2024 Warrnambool Weekly News Paper

Big sea storms that recenlty battered the coast line have not only caused significant erosion, they have also exposed plastic pollution, beleived to have buried beneath the sand for years.

12 Sep 2024 Warrnambool Standard On line News

Wild weather uncovers buried rubbish on Warrnambool beaches.  Wild-weather-uncovers-massive-beach-plastic-pollution-in-city BeachPatrol co-leader Rosalind Evans with some of the plastic collected.    Wild weather that lashed Warrnambool has uncovered plastic that has been buried on city beaches.
