Welcome to BeachPatrol and Love Our Street

BeachPatrol Love Our Street media

See where BeachPatrol & Love Our street groups have been featured in the print, online and TV media.

In the media

Getting the message across

As the impact of BeachPatrol and Love Our Street grows, we are getting more and more media attention. This helps us broaden the reach of our message and change behaviours. It's vital that more people understand the problem with plastic littering and its impact on wildlife in the oceans and on land. The public awareness we generate drives government and industries to pay attention to our cause.

Recent Media Releases

Release Date Media Name Media Type Subject Story Image
22 Jun 2024 ABC News TV

Activists in Melbourne's south call for action on polluted waterway in Elwood

Love Our Street volunteers pleay a leading role in the Elwood Canal Action Team,  which is fighting against plastic pollution in the Elster Canal finding its way into Port Philip Bay. 

Read the full article here, and watch here.

14 Jun 2024 Warrambool Standard Newsletter

BeachPatrol 3280 joined wirth West Warrnambool neighbourhood to clean the banks of the Hopkins River as part of World Environment day.

05 Jun 2024 ABC South West Radio Radio

3280 Warrnambool leader Colleen was interviewed about her article on plastic washing up on beaches in South West Victoria, that is dumped from ships.

04 Jun 2024 Ecovoice On line News

An article on plastic washing ashore from ships around south Victorian coasts written by the BP Warrnambool group leader


03 Jun 2024 Warrnambool Standard Newsletter

'Time is now': Years of data on rubbish unearths staggering finding.

An article written by the BeachPatrol Warrnambool group leader on plastic rubbish from ships arond southern Victoria washing ashore on beaches.

30 May 2024 Frankston Council Newletter Council News Letter

3198 BeachPatrol leader Jaqui who received the 2023 Iniative Award was mentioned in this edition.  P 13



17 May 2024 Warrnambol Standard On line News

Mr Ryan said he was first alerted to the amount of microplastics deposited by fishermen about two years ago. "It was an issue highlighted to me a couple years ago by Colleen Hughson," (of Warrnambool BeachPatrol)  he said.
"Just the amount of lost fishing gear on the beaches - as soon as I realised we had a problem, myself and a few other guys got together within the industry to come up with an idea to it.

Rock lobster Fisherman Gary Ryan's plastic-free cray pots have won him an environmental award from a Seafood Industry Victoria ceremony, held on Thursday, May 9, 2024. Mr Ryan said he was thrilled with the recognition which he said should also go to those who inspired him.

13 May 2024 Warrnambool Standard On line

Warrnambool BeachPatrol leader, Collen organsied 4 people from a Strongmans club to come down and drag a large heavy section of rope off the beach, back 2 km to a vehicle access point so it could then be removed.  


28 Feb 2024 Ecocenter Annual Report Newsletter

The annual report by  the Port Phillip Ecocentre had several mentions for Beachpatrol in it.  pg 17, 18, 23, 24, 29, 30



11 Feb 2024 Channel 9 Postcards TV

Our very own 3186 Brighton BeachPatrol team group were featured in Channel 9's Postcards show on 11th February. Check out our group leader Sarah and a sneaky appearance by Simon from 3191 Sandringham! A great showcase of our community volunteer groups in action. 

Watch here.