Welcome to BeachPatrol and Love Our Street

Safety first

Enjoy a safe and healthy time on the beach or your street community. We are committed to ensuring the safety of our volunteers.

Health and Safety Requirements

Beach and Street Cleaning - Health And Safety

Everyone who uses beaches, parks and other public spaces should be able to enjoy a clean and safe environment. We want to ensure the safety of our volunteers while removing litter. Our activities are aimed at having fun and making a positive contribution - it is also important to be aware of potential hazards. Volunteers should report any hazards or incidents to their BeachPatrol or Love Our Street  leader. Enjoy a safe and happy cleaning time on the beach or in your community!

Volunteers should manage these hazards By:
  • Protective equipment should be worn, (i.e. hat, sunscreen, sunglasses and long sleeves)
  • Watch and give way to cars, pedestrians and cyclists.  Stay off train and tram tracks.
  • Some items to be picked up may be hazardous (e.g. asbestos).  Do not handle any item you are unsure about - Inform your group leader on your return.  Do not  collect wooden items.   Take care with broken glass.
  • Wearing sensible footwear and gloves (garden/heavy duty gloves).
  • Do not handle living things.
  • Some clean up areas may be potentially dangerous.  Take precautions to ensure your own safety and the safety of others around you.  Safely access the beach.   Street cleaning volunteers should stay off the road or steep banks to waterways.
  • Stay off sand dunes and any revegetation areas.
  • Syringes: Take extra caution to pick up syringes especially if they have a needle on the end.   If you are not comfortable picking it up, you can advise the group leader to come and collect it.   Do not place loose in your collection bag.  If you have a bottle in your collection already, place yjr syringe in that till you get back to the start point then put in the proper Sharps container the group leader provides.   If you don't have a bottle, wrap in something secure and keep seperate from your other collected items.  Then, advise the group leader on your return there is a syringe in your bag.  Parents/carers and group leaders should explain to children to not pick up or touch a syringe but to call an adult. Be careful when picking through seaweed that there are no syringes hidden under it.  Use a stick to stir first.
  • Wash hands thoroughly with warm soapy water after cleaning.
  • Ensure you keep yourself hydrated.  
Be Sunsmart.
  • Wear sun protection including a hat, sunglasses and sun screen to avoid sunburn. Avoid the high UV times of day (3 hours either side of noon) and "Slip Slop Slap".




Volunteers should be aware and careful of the following potential hazards:
Cuts From:
  • Broken glass
  • Syringes
  • Sharp shells
  • Fish hooks


Retrieving Rubbish:
  • Heavy weights
  • Sharp objects
  • Hazardous Materials
  • Gaining access to beach
  • Cars, bikes, cyclists and boats
  • Beach cleaning machinery


Natural Elements:
  • Sunburn
  • Cold (exposure)
  • High winds and sand storms
  • Lightning


Living Things, Including:
  • Jellyfish, stingrays, puffer fish and octopus
  • Spiders
  • Snakes
  • Dogs


Trips And Falls:
  • Beach walls
  • Rocks and groynes
  • Sand dunes and revegetation area
  • Steep or slippery banks


Response Plan in case of an emergency
  • If you are a volunteer and need medical assistance ask your group leader  and other volunteers around you to help you.
  • Make sure you know your location and can name the nearest street or landmark.
  • Call 000 if in doubt.




Hazard Identification and Risk Control Document
Please download and read the attached PDF.