Welcome to BeachPatrol and Love Our Street

Corporate Volunteering

BeachPatrol provides organisations with meaningful opportunities to give back to the community

Our corporate volunteering program

Activate, connect & engage

BeachPatrol's corporate volunteering program supports organisations in achieving their corporate social responsibility & sustainability goals. Activating colleagues in pursuit of a common goal is a great way to connect and build strong teams. Not to mention the positive impact on the environment!

"Thank you so much for a great and eye opening day! In my personal life I am so much more conscious of my behaviour and in our professional life we are motivated to make a difference!"

We can host education sessions about plastic litter and its impact to our environment and marine life.

We can also take staff out on a beach or street litter surveying experience. During these exercises your employees work in small groups along the beach or street to record the litter using BeachPatrol survey sheets. At the end of the survey the sheets are collated and the teams spend time categorising and documenting the litter picked up in that session. This provides a great engagement opportunity and raises awareness around how to reduce common problem waste items. 

A non-tax deductible donation is requested to support BeachPatrol's ongoing operational costs. For more details on our Corporate program, please download the brochure here.

Contact us for any questions and to discuss how BeachPatrol can support your organisation.


Recent Corporate Activities

Activity Date Company # of Volunteers Event Description Image
26 Oct 2018 Holcim 5

With 20 enthusiastic volunteers including 2 on the river in a kayak & a boat we removed a massive amount of rubbish. Our haul of 550kg included 706 drink bottles and cans, 9 shopping trolleys, 11 garbage bags filled with plastic fragments, packaging, food containers & other general rubbish. This amount of rubbish is totally acceptable especially when we are told that we are the cleanest state!    

26 Oct 2018 IBM 40

A large number came out to clean the beaches at Sandridge, Port Melbourne. They removed 42 bags or rubbish including 76 drink bottles and cans.

25 Oct 2018 Cvent 5

5 people turned out for a clean around the streets South Melbourne Market. Total pcs collected 1405 Top 3 Poly Cig butts Large soft plastic 54 recyclables

23 Jun 2018 Vero Insurance 7

7 volunteers came out and spent 1-1/2 hours cleaning a beach in Port Melbourne. 5139 pieces of plastic were removed. Approx 30 kg worth. They categoried it all into 18 different categories so they could understand what were the problem or most prolific items.

15 Dec 2017 Qenos 5 Qenos is a plastic pellet manufacturing company so this was an excellent chance to get some of their staff down to see plastic litter on the beach.
08 Dec 2017 Telstra 6

6 people joined us for a street clean around South Melbourne. They were stunned to learn how much litter they could pick up.

14 Feb 2017 BeCollective 30

743 bottles and cans and 280 kgs of rubbish were collected around the streets of South Melbourne. 36 volunteers removed 75 BeachPatrol bags of rubbish. There was an average of one litter drink container approx. every 8 m on average.