Welcome to BeachPatrol and Love Our Street

Corporate Volunteering

BeachPatrol provides organisations with meaningful opportunities to give back to the community

Our corporate volunteering program

Activate, connect & engage

BeachPatrol's corporate volunteering program supports organisations in achieving their corporate social responsibility & sustainability goals. Activating colleagues in pursuit of a common goal is a great way to connect and build strong teams. Not to mention the positive impact on the environment!

"Thank you so much for a great and eye opening day! In my personal life I am so much more conscious of my behaviour and in our professional life we are motivated to make a difference!"

We can host education sessions about plastic litter and its impact to our environment and marine life.

We can also take staff out on a beach or street litter surveying experience. During these exercises your employees work in small groups along the beach or street to record the litter using BeachPatrol survey sheets. At the end of the survey the sheets are collated and the teams spend time categorising and documenting the litter picked up in that session. This provides a great engagement opportunity and raises awareness around how to reduce common problem waste items. 

A non-tax deductible donation is requested to support BeachPatrol's ongoing operational costs. For more details on our Corporate program, please download the brochure here.

Contact us for any questions and to discuss how BeachPatrol can support your organisation.


Recent Corporate Activities

Activity Date Company # of Volunteers Event Description Image
07 Nov 2024 Macquarie 26

A brilliant group of 26 colleagues from Macquarie cleaned up New Beach in Port Melbourne. The team managed to collect 26 kilos of waste from what looked like a very clean beach! Amongst the piles of rubbish were thousands of plastic items - including 174 bottle tops, 1001 hard bits, 1755 soft pieces and an array of single use plastics. The team also retrieved 10 cans, 4 glass bottles and 47 plastic bottles which will be recycled through Victoria's Container Deposit Scheme.

Thank you to team Macquarie!

01 Nov 2024 Mars Pet Nutrition 7

Cloudy skies and southerly winds greeted seven volunteers (& 2 dogs) last Friday morning, but didn't deter them from doing a full audit as they picked up litter from a Port Melbourne dog beach. Everyone commented at the end of the clean they thought the beach was 'very clean' at the start and so were amazed 803 pieces of litter were removed.  Thanks to the team for their efforts and making the beach safer for wildlife and the dogs who frequent it as well. 

31 Oct 2024 Aesop 10

A team of 10 volunteers from Aesop did a great job cleaning up St Kilda Beach. The brilliant team removed 5 kilograms of litter, most of which contained plastic. Amongst the items counted were: 1 Plastic Drink Bottle, 7 Metal Drink Cans, 78 Food Wrappers, 20 Sauce Packs, 16 straws and 17 bottle tops. We're grateful that the team took time out to help protect the precious Port Philip ecosystem - especially St Kilda, home of the Little Penguins.

25 Oct 2024 Puma Australia 91

Mordialloc Beach benefited from a spring clean by the brilliant team of Puma colleagues. 91 of them to be precise! 

This mega clean up saw 23kg of litter removed from the beach and foreshore. A staggering 241 bottles and cans were collected and deposited at a CDS depot. The volunteers counted 200+ nurdles, 250 cigarette butts and 75 bottle tops amongst the litter.

Thanks you team for the great effort you put in to keeping Port Philip Bay clean. 

10 Oct 2024 Dimensional Fund Advisors 8

A wonderful group of 8 volunteers spent an hour collecting litter while doing a full audit this afternoon.  The spot was New Beach, near Princes Pier in Port Melbourne where a 'clean looking' beach yielded 1262 pieces of litter!   By volume, the biggest offenders were a total of 400 soft plastic fragments, followed by 289 hard plastic fragments.  Some of the more recognisable items included 96 bottle tops and 74 food wrappers. 

Many thanks team Dimensional Fund Advisors for spending time cleaning our beaches for a second time! 

04 Oct 2024 MLC Insurance 7

For a second year, a team from MLC came out to clean New Beach and conducted a full audit.  Although only 2 full bags were collected, the contents included 900 pieces of litter!  The offenders included 196 small soft plastic fragments, 120 food wrappers, 119 nurdles, 117 small hard plastic fragments and 28 microplastics.  Thanks to all 7 wonderful helpers for  a great team effort! 

01 Oct 2024 Iberdrola Australia 11

Eleven enthusiastic volunteers spent an hour on the big Port Melbourne beach between Station Pier and the Port Melbourne Yacht Club.  Within that time, the beach had 1303 pieces of litter removed from it thanks to their efforts in picking up and auditing the litter.  The highest concentration of items were nurdles, small hard plastic fragments and microplastics.  These may seem insignificant but are all too often ingested by our seabirds and marine life, so taking the time to find and remove them is commendable.  Thanks team Iberdrola!  

13 Sep 2024 Emmanuel College 25

Altona Beach had some extra care when 25 volunteers/staff from Emmanuel College spent an hour cleaning the beach.  This amazing group collected 23 bags, total weight of 61.1 KG of rubbish.  Thank you to everyone!! 

10 Sep 2024 ANL Container Line Pty Ltd 14

Beach clean at New Beach, Port Melbourne:  Conducting a partial audit, a great group of 14 volunteers collected 20 plastic drink containers, 4 cans and 43 bottle tops in 50 minutes.   The total weight of the litter was 13.5 kg.  Thank you for helping make our beaches cleaner and keeping our marine life safer. 

21 Aug 2024 PrixCar Services 12

Twelve enthusiastic volunteers spent an hour on Altona Beach picking up litter. They collected 27.49 KG in one hour.  One of the attendees had participated in another corporate group clean a few months ago in Port Melbourne and wanted to make a difference in Altona with other coworkers as well.  Every piece of litter we remove makes a difference.  Thank you for your efforts!!